Today I’m linking up with the fabulous Miss Trish over at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover for her wonderful weekly feature, Pink & Green Thursday!

{a few pink somethings}
{now for the green…}
The idea of green living is really not a new concept…my grandparents always did a lot of things that people now consider healthier or eco-friendly, but back then they were just trying to be thrifty. My great-grandmother saved and washed plastic bread bags to reuse for all sorts of purposes. If any store-bought product came in a jar or container that could be saved and re-used, she did that too. I guess at the time, I thought she was kind of silly for wanting to do these things, but now I realize she was green before it was cool! I’m glad that living better has become more glam and it is easier than ever for us to incorporate green practices into our everyday lives! Visit Live Green & Prosper, an initiative of my local PBS affiliate, for more green tips and resources …Southern Belle Simple has been featured on the blog roll!