June 30, 2011

#GWTW75…Celebrations never cease


Today is the 75th anniversary of the first time Margaret Mitchell’s book, Gone with the Wind was available for purchase. I know it’s been GWTW frenzy around the blogosphere lately, but for good reason. From social media meetups to movie premiere galas, Atlanta has been hopping this summer with all the excitement. NPR did a wonderful piece on the anniversary, which you can listen to here.


“I want to be famous in some way – a speaker, artist, writer, soldier, fighter, stateswoman, or anything nearly.”

– Margaret Mitchell, January 1915

I took the above images during my visit to the Margaret Mitchell House in Midtown Atlanta and the preceding quote is also from the exhibit. I wonder if Ms. Mitchell would have been surprised by the reach of her fame even all these years later. Considering her other contributions to society, in addition to her written words, I think she has achieved fame in every category to which she aspired.


If you still haven’t gotten your fill of GWTW, Georgia Public Broadcasting produced a fabulous documentary about the life of Margaret Mitchell called “Margaret Mitchell: American Rebel” which is airing tonight. Even if you don’t live in the GPB viewing area, you can still view the film in a web presentation tonight, as well as chat online with the director! Hope you’ll tune in!