February 23, 2010

Going to Carolina in my mind…

Or maybe in today’s case, Switzerland. Sometimes life can really get the best of us, especially when the weather is unrelenting. I know some people claim to love the cold weather and snow, but if I don’t see some sunshine on a regular basis, it becomes harder and harder to pry the remote (or the wine bottle…or the chocolate…or whatever) out of my hand and force myself to get out of bed in the morning. And day after day, when I look out my window and see gray sky and bare trees, I begin to feel like Debbie Downer (just without the fun theme music).

Hutwil out the window

Since I can’t physically take myself on a trip anytime soon (except for a mood-boosting trip to the cosmetics aisle of my local CVS…see previous post), I can at least re-visit an occasion when things were much, much brighter! In the sleepy little town of Huttwil (pronounced hoot-ville…try saying it without lifting your shoulders & smiling), everything moves at a slower pace. The grass is seriously greener. This was the view out my hotel window and it never fails to lift my spirits. Maybe it is because when I look at this picture, I remember all the fun that went along with it…how the trip was such a blast and how traveling seems to awaken something in me that feels like my genuine self.

After leaving Switzerland, I was fortunate enough to see some of Austria as well. Even though I can’t see this view out my window, I can still enjoy the photo and the memory of seeing it for the first time. Life is too short and I think it is important to find pretty things everyday to cheer ourselves. And when the sun actually comes out and shines on us, that’s pretty great too. the hills are alive