April 12, 2013

Friday Flashback: Classic Southern Automobiles

As a child, and now as an adult, one of my favorite things to do is sit and listen to my grandparents tell stories of their youth. I love the way they travel back in time with each memory and I love seeing them as their younger selves, through their eyes and the stories they share with me.

One of my favorite stories about my paternal grandparents involves my grandma, an automobile, and a good fight. My grandparents went on their first date when they were 13 (at which time my grandpa told my grandma he loved her...she didn't return the sentiment just yet). While they dated seriously later in high school, their early teen years found them occasionally on the outs.

On such an occasion, my grandma accepted a ride to school with another young man. Looking back, she says she wasn't all that fond of him, but he had a car...and in 1950, a kid with a car was a big deal. My grandpa always chimes in how he didn't have a car, but he didn't think it mattered that he was challenged in the automotive department because my grandma cared more about substance and strength of character.

So I guess my grandma (Patsye) was riding down the road with this other boy when they happened to pass by my grandpa (Richard). Upon seeing his beloved riding shotgun with another fellow, Richard blew a gasket. He got the guy to slow his car to a roll and dove into the front seat through the open driver's side window...fists flying. The driver must have had the wherewithal to stop the car but they continued to duke it out until my grandpa was declared the winner.

Patsye jumped out, pretending to be horrified, but I think secretly loving it (what girl doesn't want to see her man fight for her honor?). And what man wouldn't have wanted to throw his hat in the ring for her...she was a fox, as evidenced by the photo above.

I'm sure there are so many stories like this...young people and their cars...it's such a rite of passage, no matter the decade. Do you have any special memories about your first car or the first car you took a ride in?