March 4, 2013

Free John Bates Tote Bag Giveaway

Ok, I've got a confession to make and I must preface it by asking that you don't judge me. I've never seen Downton Abbey. I know, I know...there's something wrong with me. I'm not sure how it happened, but I just didn't watch and then I was so behind that I felt like I'd never catch up. And now I've heard the BIG spoiler and worry that I can't watch without thinking about that. Let the judgment commence. 

That being said, some of you might know that part of my job involves working with a fabulous local PBS affiliate station, through which I scored a great piece of swag in the form of this Free John Bates tote bag. And since I've never seen the show, I just wouldn't feel right about carrying it around...even though I think it's way cool. I worried that if I carried it, people would want to talk Downton Abbey with me and then I'd look like a fool who hasn't seen it. 

So the bag is up for grabs. Just leave a comment saying you'd like to win and you're in the running. And if you want to tweet it, that's cool too. I'll pick a winner at random Friday March 8th at 10 am EST. 

And if you just want to buy a bag, here's a link to do so!