February 19, 2020

Warm Drinks for a Winter Day

No matter what the groundhog saw, we're still expecting a bit more wintry weather before spring and there's no better way to warm up and add some cheer to your day than with a warm drink! 

Here are three simple recipes for warm drinks to make at home....just like the ones you get from your favorite barista except without the coffee shop prices!

London Fog Latte 

A London Fog latte is a delicious cold weather drink plus it's easy to make and can be customized to your preferences. Basically, it's just a hot Earl Grey tea with steamed milk. Don't have a milk steamer or frother? You can make do at home by just shaking up your milk in a can or jar.

Brew a nice cup of Earl Grey and add your milk. I like to add a bit of vanilla and honey as well. Garnish with a sprinkling of lavender or even just some dried tea leaves. Delish!

Chai Tea Latte

I love Chai and it's so easy to make at home....simple and delicious to enjoy from the comfort of your PJs and no lines or chatty baristas to contend with. 

Brew your Chai tea and add milk (I like flax milk for mine). There are also ready-made Chai concentrates available and some are pretty good. Add a shot of coffee for a dirty Chai. Stir with a cinnamon stick....yum! 

French Sipping Chocolate 

I was recently introduced to the idea of sipping chocolate, which I thought was the same thing as hot chocolate. Apparently the main difference is that it's quite a bit thicker than those Swiss Miss packets we grew up with. I got some at Trader Joe's but I've heard that it's a seasonal product so get yours now if you want to snag some while you still can! 

You can determine the thickness of your drink depending on your preference and how much milk you want to add. Dairy free? Cashew or oat milk makes a great substitution.