May 13, 2012

things which matter most


This past week was the longest blogging hiatus I’ve taken since my great-grandfather passed away in 2010. I feel like so many other things have taken my attention lately and when I saw the above quote, it completely captured how I have been feeling.

I need this blog. I need to write. Whether one person (or zero persons) actually reads it is irrelevant. Of course, I love the fact that you are reading it now. I love that you visit this little corner of the web and I hope that your visit leaves you feeling a little lighter, a little better.

A good (new) friend reminded me recently that we were each created with something so unique and wonderful inside of us and that our deepest passions are intended to meet the world’s greatest need.

I am passionate about writing, but not because of the simple act of putting words on a page (or in this case, a screen). I am passionate about writing, especially writing this blog because it allows me to connect with other people about things that matter to them…things that matter to you.

Things like family traditions, where you went on vacation, what your grandma cooked for Christmas dinner, what sorority you were in during college, the latest fashion trend you were brave enough to wear and the fact that you felt heard and understood.

I guess I just wanted to explain why there hadn’t been a new post in awhile and let you know how I’m feeling. Maybe some of you have been feeling the same way. Has your attention been completely devoted to things that don’t matter really all that much? I don’t have a solution, but I’m glad we’re in this together.

And most importantly, Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful, compassionate, caring, loving, eccentric, silly, sweet, fabulous mothers, grandmothers, aunts, step-moms, and special women out there. I am blessed beyond measure by the strong women in my life, especially my mom (who I was able to spend this weekend with). To steal my friend TMB’s phrase “Hope you feel celebrated all day long!”