June 16, 2009
A dash of silver
Sometimes it can be so fun to get away for the day and pretend you are on a vacation. I suppose anytime you escape in any form or fashion can be considered a mini-vacation. Well I did just that this past
Saturday. In the nearby town of Clinton, antique stores abound and time seems to slow down a little bit. I suggest, no, insist that you start with lunch at Hamock's Perkadeli. There are two kinds of chicken salad (both delicious and yes, I tried both!), wonderful soups, yummy salads and all sorts of sweet treats to end the meal. And you will definitely need to eat so you have the strength to endure walking and shopping in the nearly 20 different specialty antique stores. I lucked out and found this sterling salt and pepper shaker set for $10. It always cracks me up how people sell silver for cheap just because it happens to be tarnished. Obviously the one on the right is the before. A little Wright's Silver Polish and elbow grease and you have the one on the left. Now they are both sparkling and displayed prominently at my house. Yay antiques!